Delivery service is like an arm and a leg of an online seller as it delivers parcels to customers' hands. This service is provided by major and minor companies specializing in transport. Most of them transport only in the same area, so there is competition in the service to be more convenient, easier and faster. Therefore, sellers have the right to choose a transport company they like and can trust.
Generally, when a customer places an order, sellers must open bills for customers to pay. Then prepare the goods and deliver them to the desired transportation company. The shipping company will provide a parcel code number (Tracking No.) which the store must enter the code in the system to notify the customer. After preparing the goods, some stores will add the delivery information to the delivery company's system first so that the parcel can be dropped (drop-off) at the service point immediately. All of these methods require the transfer of customer details by yourself. There are many complicated steps, therefore, making it possible to make mistakes.
Page365 Express, a courier delivery partnered with Page365, was developed specifically to support the operation of online stores. The sellers can issue the parcel number immediately after opening the invoice and automatically send parcel numbers to customers. Not to mention skipping the line or pressing the queue card to save time delivering parcels.
Page365 Express Activation Setup Steps
1. Go to the "Manage Store" page.
2. Select "Delivery."
3. Click on "Add Shipping."
4. Click on the "Please select" drop-down list of the 'Shipping Carrier' section.
5. The system will display the options of carriers divided by delivery type > click on the desired "delivery carrier."
Note: For shipments that support free delivery credit, sellers should link credit cards for Page365 add-on subscriptions.
If the system says, "Page365 Express cannot be activated ", click on the "Add Address" button.
1) Store Settings > "Page Information" section > "General Information" section
2) In the section "Store address" and "Store number," select "Edit" > Fill in the text boxes to edit the information > Select "OK."
Note: Invalid address format may cause unsuccessful parcel number generation. Sellers can see suggested address formats below.
Examples of address formats that are not recommended:
1. Address is incomplete: Sampaloc, Manila
2. Store's phone number: Brgy. 411, Manila, 1008 0912345678
Examples of suggested address formats
(You can use the system's address suggestion tool to generate accurate information.)
Brgy. 411 Sampaloc, Manila 1008 Metro Manila Philippines
Examples of suggested shop number formats:
0912345678 (type only numbers, no symbol)
6. Click " Next."
7. Click " Next."
8. In case of choosing Drop-off delivery: J&T Express, the system will show the parcel pick-up location information to the sellers, click " Got it. "
9. The system will display the shipping the store selected without setting delivery details.
Shops can be set up by:
1) Delivery form name: The store can edit the delivery name to be displayed. There will be a symbol of Page365 displayed in front of the shipping name.
2) Cash on Delivery: Choose your preferred form of payment, i.e., regular cash and cash on delivery (COD). Cash on delivery will support only BEST Express, J&T Express, and Kerry Express only (Flash Express COD coming soon)
3) Cash on Delivery (COD): If you choose a form of delivery that can be delivered via cash on delivery. You will need to select a bank account that will be used for payment for goods and shipping.
4) Shipping cost: The seller fills in the price of the product he wants to display and collect from the customer.
5) Online storefront: Mark the page " Show this option on Page365 Store " so that customers can choose to deliver their own when making purchases through the page. Online Store Page365 Store
Then click the " Create " button to confirm the settings.
10. The system will show delivery by Page365 Express at selected stores.
Sellers can select more than 1 Page365 Express by clicking on the 'Add Shipping' button to add the next shipment. (More couriers will be available soon!)
11. Shops can learn how to use each transport from:
How to use Page365 Express: J&T Express
You can inquire directly with the Page365 staff if you want more information.
In case you want to change your plan, please get in touch with admin.