What is a custom domain?
Custom Domain is a personal URL name of an online store to display an online storefront to customers, such as www.bestshop.com, www.minishop.com, etc.
Steps to enable Page365 Custom Domain
- Register your Domain with a domain registrar. There are steps as follows. Name your Domain, for example, abc.com.
- Take that name to register the Domain with a domain name registrar, also known as Host, which the service provider will have a form. Check the domain name or website name to see whether it is still available or not(You can easily find a domain registrar, hammer it through Google as “Register Domain”)
- Connect your Domain to the Page365 system. Find the CNAME Record in your Domain (usually at Advanced DNS).
- Add a record of type CNAME. Enter the host field for your Domain name; value field, enter page365.net.
- Wait to verify and connect your Domain. (The duration depends on the Host provider you choose to use)
- Bring your Domain into Page365 system; go to Settings > Page Information > Private Domain (insert your Domain).